Ginger shot benefits: Why a regular ginger shot can help

What are the benefits of ginger shots & how can they help you?

The benefits of consuming ginger shots on the regular range from providing powerful wellness support to soothing everyday digestive distress.

A ginger shot could help to soothe an upset stomach, counter occasional bouts of everyday nausea (they are particularly helpful for those pregnant mamas battling morning sickness!), and support a balanced metabolism from day to day.

What does a ginger shot do for you ?

There are so many pros to incorporating ginger shots, but our favorites include daily wellness support and calming an upset stomach.

The JB ginger shots are made with fresh ginger root and they offer additional antioxidants from citrus and cayenne and anti-bacterial powers from oil of oregano and fresh apples. They are potent, invigorating, and functional.

Our housemade blends are so effective in delivering wellness support because:

  • Ginger contains an active substance called gingerol, full of antioxidants and helpful for everyday digestive support.
  • Citrus are full of Vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and provides daily wellness benefits.
  • Cayenne and Oil of Oregano are both anti-inflammatory and Oil of Oregano is a powerful antimicrobial that can help fight off infections.

Here’s to your health!


Ginger on Human Health: A Comprehensive Systematic Review of 109 Randomized Controlled Trials, Nguyen Hoang Anh (2020)

Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition, Chapter 7: The Amazing and Mighty Ginger, Ann M. Bode and Zigang Dong (2011)