Day 1:
I was quite nervous to start this, but beginning the day with a big glass of lemon water and a ginger shot gives a super healthy feeling that I really liked. The first few hours went well; having a juice every two hours is quite regular, and I sipped the juices slowly. Around 6 PM, I started to get really hungry, and that’s when it’s time for Force of Nature. Well, that was really not my thing. I managed to get it down with great difficulty. Fortunately, the next juice was a much-needed sweet snack that filled me up. By drinking lots of tea and water, the hunger was manageable!

Day 2:
Today started off quite well, but around 4 PM, I began to feel very weak. With some extra tea, the hunger was bearable, but in the evening after the last juice, I went to bed very early. Because you have to drink a new juice every two hours, you’re constantly focused on how full you are and how you’re feeling. It’s interesting to notice, but also a bit distracting from the rest of the things you need to do during the day, haha. By the end of the day, I was very tired, so I went to bed early and decided that on the third day, I would have to take something extra.

Day 3:
Last day! I woke up feeling really hungry again, so after the first juice, I went to the supermarket to get some vegetable broth. That was a good idea because it quickly made me feel much less lightheaded, which was a relief! Some positive things: I noticed that my skin has improved a lot, and I’m sleeping very deeply! However, the hunger and lightheadedness were tougher than I expected, but I’m proud that I stuck with it!