Since health is an important part of my daily routine, I found it very interesting to try a Juice Cleanse. I chose the ‘Deep’ cleanse (for beginners), which includes several juices that contain a good amount of fruit. Before starting the juice cleanse, I calculated the timing for when I would take each juice/shot. My morning starts at 9:00 AM with a ginger shot, followed by the Master Cleanse at 10:00 AM, Skin Sister at 12:00 PM, Easy Going at 2:00 PM, Dragon’s Breath at 4:00 PM, Force of Nature at 6:00 PM, and I end the day with Vanilla Sky between 7:00 and 8:00 PM. All the juices are 420 ml, and they don’t have to be consumed all at once; you can take your time.

Two days before I started the cleanse, I avoided alcohol, coffee, and carbonated drinks. I also ate vegetarian meals to ensure I consumed plenty of vegetables and fruits. I was strongly advised to drink enough water, which I mainly did through drinking tea.

My first day started at 9:00 AM with the ginger shot, which I found quite intense, but it woke me up immediately without the need for caffeine. Around 10:00 AM, I started drinking the Master Cleanse. This drink contains alkaline water, maple syrup, lime, and cayenne pepper, and has a sweet taste, making it easier to drink. I didn’t finish the Master Cleanse right away; it took me about half an hour. The cayenne pepper gives it a kick, so it’s nice to take your time with it. In between, I drank a lot of tea because, in addition to the juices, I also felt thirsty.

Around 12:00 PM, I drank the Skin Sister as my lunch, one of my favorites from the Juice Brothers range. This juice is sweet with a slight kick from the ginger, and besides ginger, it also contains pineapple, nettle tea, grapefruit, pear, and beetroot. This combination of ingredients makes the juice nice and refreshing, perfect for summer.

At 2:00 PM, I drank the Easy Going, a refreshing juice that filled my stomach and provided a sense of satiety. At 3:30 PM, I went to the gym to train my arms, as Juice Brothers had recommended, and I also did some yoga. After exercising, I drank the Dragon’s Breath, my favorite juice from Juice Brothers. This juice contains various types of fruit, giving it a filling feeling. I continued to drink plenty of tea and water alongside the juices.

At 6:00 PM, I drank the Force of Nature, which I found a bit more challenging because this juice isn’t sweet. However, I took my time with it. At 8:00 PM, I drank the Vanilla Sky, which filled me up and made me very tired. Since I hadn’t eaten anything, I felt tired in the afternoon and noticed that my body needed solid food. However, the feeling of hunger wasn’t too intense, and after each juice, I felt well-satiated. Around 8:00 to 9:00 PM, I was completely exhausted from the day, went to bed early, and quickly fell asleep. I found this day challenging and felt hungry all day. Sometimes I felt nauseous from the hunger, which made it difficult to fall asleep on the first evening.

Day 2 began exactly the same as day 1, with the ginger shot at 9:00 AM and the Master Cleanse at 10:00 AM. In between, I drank a lot of tea and water because the juices still made me thirsty. Around 12:00 PM, I had the Skin Sister, which again provided some satisfaction for the afternoon. At 2:00 PM, I went to school, which delayed my Easy Going until 3:30 PM. I noticed how little hunger I felt after not eating or drinking anything except water for 3.5 hours. At school, I also forgot the Dragon’s Breath, which I then postponed until the evening.

At 6:00 PM, I finally had the chance to drink the Dragon’s Breath, and it tasted even better than on day 1. In the evening, around 8:00 PM, I drank the Force of Nature and felt completely full. I only drank half of the Vanilla Sky. I found day 2 less difficult, but this could be because I spent more time out and about and kept myself busy with other things. Still, I was quite hungry and felt the need to chew on something or consume something other than juice. I noticed that my body was retaining less water. I could see that my stomach and face were starting to look slimmer. By the end of the evening, I felt tired and easily fell asleep. The idea of having something small whenever I felt hungry was comforting. I also started to enjoy the juices more and got used to the different flavors, like the cayenne in the Master Cleanse and the lack of sweetness in the Force of Nature.

Day 3 went the best; I was less hungry and felt fully satisfied after drinking a juice. The day went the same as the previous days, except that on the last day, I didn’t have the Vanilla Sky. I tried to make the Vanilla Sky myself, but it wasn’t as good as the one from Juice Brothers. In the afternoon, I went grocery shopping for the next morning to ensure my breakfast would be as healthy as possible. I decided to eat eggs with spinach and tomato to get enough vegetables. At the end of the day, when I was in bed, I started to feel hungry again. The thought of being able to eat again in the morning made my stomach rumble.

It was clear that I had lost a lot of water, and my face and stomach had become slimmer. Otherwise, I felt good, but I had a bit less energy in the gym and was already tired quite early in the evening.